martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Christophe Paul

Para festejar el lanzamiento mundial de The Penny Thief, (la versión inglesa de “El Ladrón de céntimos”), han puesto “Mapamundi” gratis durante unos días:

   hasta el 22 de noviembre

Para los que tengaís curiosidad sobre "El Ladrón de céntimos":

Title:The Penny Thief
Original: Le Voleur de centimes
Author: Christophe Paul
Translation: Jennifer Adcock
Genre: Thriller & Romance
Pages: 76 chapters - 386p.
Paperback Format: 6” x 9”
ISBN:  978-1492103592
 What if someone was robbing a bank cent by cent without anyone realizing it ...
With the charm of the streets of Paris and the suspense of the best Hollywood thriller, a novel dedicated to anyone who has ever suffered the arrogance, greed and injustice of the financial system.
An exciting overview from Montmartre to La Défense, the ultra-modern business district with their office skyscrapers.
Henri Pichon is a quiet and sharp programmer whose daily routine is altered by a fortuitous accident which will change his fate and the one of those all around him.
A different police novel: a story of love, hate, greed, murder ... and a refreshing touch of black humor.
How far are you willing to go for money?

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